Ithaca Folk Song Swaps


Winter 2025 live sings!


Sunday January 5, 2025, 2-5pm, UU Church, no theme
Sunday February 2, 2025, 2-5pm, UU Church, theme Stealing
Sunday March 2, 2025, 2-5pm, UU Church, no theme
Sunday April 13, 2025, 2-5pm, UU Church, theme TBA


We sing in the conference room adjacent to the church office, in the Unitarian Church Parish House at 306 North Aurora Street.  Follow the signs.  Please enter through the ground level "Garden" entrance by the bench to your left as you face the porch at 306 North Aurora.  Follow the signs up the half flight of stairs (or the elevator) and down the hall to our room.  Free and open to the public.  We’ll pass a hat for donations.  BYO refreshments (no alcohol). 


Subscribe to the email list & find contact information here --


February 2025 theme -- Stealing.  Recently, my favorite bike was stolen (locked at a bike rack on the Commons after dark).  I’ve already bought myself a much cooler bike.  And that's all a good enough pretext to make our February theme Stealing.  Songs about bank robbers & pirates, stolen moments & stolen hearts & purloined sweethearts, Robin Hood and Maggie May and stealin' back to your same old used to be. 


Song Themes.   Every other month we select a theme for our singing.  Themes are always optional.  It’s just a loose guideline to prompt our memories for old songs or motivate us to learn something new.  But don’t feel constrained.  If you don’t happen to have a song ready on today’s theme, then sing something else.  In the alternate months, there will be no set theme. 


Let’s get together and sing.  We’re looking for people in the Ithaca area who want to get together to lead a folk song, and join in on others’ songs.  We’ve been singing once a month since September 2011.  We welcome folk songs, traditional ballads, chanteys, & songs, as well as contemporary folk songs with traditional roots, including your own songwriting.  Everyone welcome.  Bring your acoustic instrument or sing a capella.  We take turns going around the circle to lead or request a song.  Eric guides the turn-taking, encourages beginners, discourages noisy side conversations, and generally tries to keep things on track.


Health & Safety.  Please don’t attend if you have, or have symptoms of, or have been recently exposed to, covid, flu or any other contagious disease.


Join us!   Let’s build a stronger network of Ithaca folksingers.  Come sing us a song! 


Help us get the word out.  Please pass on this URL to anyone who may be interested:


Download a poster/flyer here: